What to expect when we work together
The therapy I offer is compassionate and goal-focused:
In our initial session(s) we will explore the difficulties you are facing, I will listen supportively and ensure I have fully understood your situation and your challenges. We will then agree the priority areas you want to work on and identify your goals you want to achieve from the therapy…
It is structured and action-oriented:
In subsequent sessions, following a ‘check in’ to see how you are doing, we will agree what we want to work on in that session. As well as discussion of your problem I will suggest and guide you through a range of activities in session to help you develop more helpful ways of thinking and behaving.
Typically, we will also agree activities between sessions to help you consolidate what we have done in session and strengthen your inner resources towards achieving your goals...
It is collaborative and flexible:
Importantly it is a collaborative process. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, and I will always explain my reasons for suggesting a particular activity or area for exploration.
There is no fixed number of sessions, and you can end therapy whenever you want. We will regularly touch base to discuss how you feel about the progress you are making or barriers you are experiencing and can refocus our work accordingly.